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En fantastisk morsom workshop på det Franske kulturhuset! 🎉 Barna "Xplored" dyrenes rike, oppdaget og smakte eksotiske frukter, lærte geografi og historie gjennom lek, og ikke minst møtte pirater! 🎲⛵️🌍🦁🍍🏴‍☠️ Leter du etter en workshop din skole eller aktivitetsenter? Ikke nøl med å kontakte oss! Våre workshops passer perfekt for barn fra 6 til 12 år.  Lær mer 

xplor workshop

Kom og bli med for å teste alle Xplor spillene under Barnefestivalen arrangert av Fransk Kulturhus. 2 timer leketid av læring og moro venter på barna fra 5 år og oppover! På programmet: Fire spennende workshops! Xplor Dyr,  Xplor Pirater,  Xplor Polare Verdenen,  Xplor Frukt. Det er gratis inngang, men obligatorisk påmelding. Workshopene vil bli holdt på fransk , engelsk , og norsk .


Med over 90 gjester, mange ivrige små kokker, og et hav av smil, har vårt siste event med Smaksverkstedet blitt en minnerik suksess! Barna fikk ikke bare kokkelere, men også utforske og lære gjennom vårt Xplor-Nutrition verksted. Fra å lage gresskarsuppe til å reise rundt i verden med Xplor og utforskning av frukt, gresskar, krydder, kakao, og sjokolade, var dette en fantastisk tverrgenerasjonell opplevelse fylt med mat, moro, og læring.

Les mer om Smaksverkstedet og deres tilbud:

  29.04.2023:  Workshop Xplor Sjokolade 
 Deichman Tøyen, Oslo

What a fantastic workshop again at Tøyen Library! Over 30 children participated in my two workshops about chocolate. There was even a tasting session after the game part, and the children could learn about the history of cocoa and the production process of the chocolate.

  26.03.2023:  Workshop Xplor Sjokolade 
 Sentralen, Oslo

We celebrated the Easter party at Sentralen. I invite you to watch this video to understand the atmosphere and the exceptional conditions at this workshop. 

  11.02.2023: Xplor Nutrition Workshop
 Sentralen, Oslo

What an exciting Xplor Games session today at Sentralen! We traveled back in time, met pirates, discovered new continents, encountered new animals and had fruit and chocolate tasting!"!

16.01.2023: The week of Taste
 Lycée Francais Oslo

This week, I have had the pleasure to make 10 Xplor workshops of 1 hour each about nutrition for students ranging from 6-13 years old. We learned about the origins of Fruits, "Xplor" tastes, and how to enjoy food!

   08.11.2022:  Workshop 5 senser
     Deichman Library Holmia 

Xplor games
Xplor Workshop fransk skolen

Today, I have offered my workshop to the Deichman Holmia Library. A great moment full of tasting exotics fruits, learning, and having fun! 

Xplor fruit

02.09.2022: Workshop Nutrition 
Oslo International School.

Xplor taste workshop at the OiS!  During this workshop, the students discovered South American fruits such as passion fruits, dragon fruits, guava, and cactus fruit!

Xplor workshop at school

18.06.2022: Workshop Xplor Animals 
Arcon spillfestival, Oslo

I participated in Norway's largest board game festival with Xplor gaming session. It was incredibly exciting, challenging, and educational!

Playing xplor

29.03.2021: Xplor 5 senser
Retirement Home, Perpignan

Xplor workshops are also offered to the retirement home. Here, I animated a workshop about the 5 senses where the seniors discovered new and old flavors while traveling to relive their memorable moments 

Xplor workshop at the retirement home

27.11.2021: Workshop Xplor Animals 
Deichman Bjørvika, Oslo 

Today, I  had the privilege to present the new éditions of my games "Xplor the World" and "Xplor the Poles" to Deichman Bjørvika. A great moment full of adventures, discovering and fun!

Play Xplor

30.10.2021: Xplor Halloween Party
Fransk Kulturhus, Oslo  

Around 70 enthousiast children and adults came by and got to play and have fun at a delightful Halloween celebration at the French cultural house. 

Xplor halloween fest

03.07.2021: Xplor Nutrition Workshop
Institut Francais d'Oslo 

"Xplor" taste workshop today!  During this workshop, the students discovered Asian fruits such as the Rambutan, the Nashi pear, and the pomelo...

Playing Xplor

09.03.2021: Workshop History Quiz
French School, Oslo  

Xplor Quiz time at school! Let's play and learn history and geography! Today, I had the pleasure to create a competition between students. 30 students took part and played with my Xplor quiz. The Xplor games transported the students around the World in a whirlwind of fun. 

Xplor at school

03.02.2021: Workshop Arctic 
Kindergarten, French School Oslo

We Xplor also the frozen world! In this kindergarten. kids of age 5 years old discovered the animals from the Arctic! All this, by selling around the poles and reliving the adventures of the greatest explorers. 

Playing xplor Arctic

14.01.2021: Week of the tastes 
 French School Oslo

During the whole week,  I made 12  workshops of 1 hour about nutrition for students ranging from 5-12 years old. We learned about the origins of Fruits, "Xplor" tastes, and how to enjoy food!

Xplor workshop at school
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